about myself

kota kinabalu, sabah, Malaysia

Thursday, January 31, 2008


haih ..... very tired ..... although is tired but i also want to write blog because if not i can't relax myself......it's very disaster if i not relax myself will become crazy girl......today i got output many things until forgot to take my lunch .......just back from working ....... tired and tomorrow needed to go to tuition .... and this week is last day tuition because i'm going holiday and the tuition is off too and also work lo ..... need to go back to sandakan for chinese new year .....

and now i feel a bit sick liao .... always snezzy and also coughing .... maybe i always going out from office and sent things and going here and there .... hot and cold then cold and hot .....this saturday my friend will back from k.l and i think that i'll dont have time to meet him because i havent buy any new clothes yet ...becayse of busy lo...... find money ...for study and also for myself..........

fang yi ...

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